Quality cotton starts at the field

At Australian Food & Fibre (AFF), owning and managing every step of the supply chain means we maintain control of our product, starting at the field and ending with quality Australian cotton sold under the AFF Marketing brand.

AFF logo

AFF Marketing

AFF is a trusted and reliable supplier of quality Australian cotton, resulting in excellent trading relationships with agents and mill customers around the world.

AFF provides a range of marketing options and products for our grower and mill customers, providing up-to-date information to keep customers informed with market trends and developments.

In addition to cotton, AFF provides marketing options for cottonseed, which is sold to both domestic and export markets. AFF is constantly monitoring these markets in order to access the best opportunities.

Warehousing facilities

AFF's warehousing facilities in Narrabri and Warren operate to Australian Quality Inspection Service (AQIS) standards and provide container loading services for a range of commodities. These facilitates are on rail which provides the transfer of containerised commodities to ports for export.
Tractor carrying packaged cotton
factory workers packaging cotton

Classing service and facility

AFF's cotton classing operation is supported by strong ties to international classing organisations such as ICA Bremen, USDA and CSITC and is an active member of the Cotton Classers Association of Australia (CCAA).

AFF is represented at the highest levels of Australia’s cotton classing and shipping associations and is a respected partner in the industry.

AFF classes all of the cotton that it markets and also offers a competitive contract classing service to growers.

Shipping logistics

AFF handles all shipping arrangements in-house, including logistics co-ordination as well as export and banking documentation. Our experienced team liaise closely with rail and freight companies, shipping lines and stevedores to ensure the efficient and smooth handling of all shipments.
Packaged cotton